Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ubuntu OpenCV FFMPEG error

If you are in Ubuntu 9.04 and attempting to write a video using OpenCV you may encounter an error such as:

OpenCV Error: Bad argument (codec not found) in CvVideoWriter_FFMPEG::open

The only solution that I have found is to install the following
sudo apt-get install libavcodec-unstripped-52

It seems to remove a bunch of packages but everything I do (reading/writing videos) seems to be working. So proceed with caution on installing this, but it may fix what ails you.


  1. Trying this removed my ability to compile my OpenCV programs. I did however solve my codec-problems with the programs I had already compiled, so this is quite a nuisance. If I want to be able to compile my programs, I have to keep my packages as is, but if I want to be able to run my programs, I have to use this fix.

  2. What kind of errors were produced by your compiler? Also, what linux environment are you using? I was using sabayon and had no issues with the OpenCV side of things.
